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At boohoo we believe in giving back to the communities and countries where we do business, because we know that for our business to thrive the countries and communities where we do business need to thrive too.

From being the headline sponsor of Manchester Pride, to supporting the City's homeless, to cash donations to support those tackling the wild fires in Australia, we’ve been doing what we can where we can to support the amazing and tireless work of volunteers and charity workers across the globe.

In 2020 we are overhauling our Charity Strategy and from Q2 our charitable giving will fall under four key pillars:


We will put the weight of our brand behind supporting a single cause that our customers, team and suppliers care about.

Awareness raising

We will use the power, reach and influence of our brand to raise awareness of great local causes. We’ll provide funds but more importantly resource to help the charities achieve their goals and ambitions.

Ad hoc giving

We will continue to review and honour as many of the ad hoc requests we receive each week. Providing vouchers, funds or resource where we can.


We are a business that champions and values the contribution that young people make socially and economically. With a global team of around 5,000, the majority of which are under 30 we plan to create a foundation that supports the advancement of young people. We are currently exploring a number of options and aim to launch this by Q3 2020